按月归档: 10 月 2024



NGC 7635: 气泡星云

A starfield is shown with a big light bubble in the center. A bright star is toward the upper right in the translucent bubble. To some, the bubble may resemble a skull. Please see the explanation for more detailed information.

60年前: 登月研究飞行器升空

1964年10月30日,NASA飞行员乔·沃克坐在月球着陆研究飞行器 (LLRV) 1 号的飞行员平台上。LLRV及其继任者月球着陆训练车(LLTV)提供了模拟降落到月球表面最后200英尺的训练工具。




NASA宇航员唐·佩蒂特(Don Pettit)在2024年10月20日拍摄的这张照片中用食用色素填充一个水球。佩蒂特把这样的实验称为“机遇科学”–由于在国际空间站的独特体验,这些科学探索时刻会自发浮现在脑海中。

韦伯影像: NGC 602里的恒星与云气柱

A starfield is shown featuring many stars in the center and many pillars of interstellar dust around the edges pointing toward the center. The main image is in infrared light, and a rollover image from Hubble shows the same scene in visible light. Please see the explanation for more detailed information.

STEVE: 法国上空形如跨天长河的光弧

A night sky is shown with a bright red band running overhead. Above the red band is a diffuse red glow. A path through a grassy filed is in the foreground with a path going out toward the horizon. Please see the explanation for more detailed information.

LDN 43: 蝙蝠星云

A starfield is shown with a large brown dust nebula in the center. The nebula appears, to some, to be shaped like a bat. One of the stars in the dust nebula even appears to be the eye of the bat. Please see the explanation for more detailed information.


See Explanation. Clicking on the picture will download the highest resolution version available.