
2020 February 17

The Changing Surface of Fading Betelgeuse
Image Credit:
ESO, M. Montargès et al.

Explanation: Besides fading, is Betelgeuse changing its appearance? Yes. The famous red supergiant star in the familiar constellation of Orion is so large that telescopes on Earth can actually resolve its surface — although just barely. The two featured images taken with the European Southern Observatory’s Very Large Telescope show how the star’s surface appeared during the beginning and end of last year. The earlier image shows Betelgeuse having a much more uniform brightness than the later one, while the lower half of Betelgeuse became significantly dimmer than the top. Now during the first five months of 2019 amateur observations show Betelgeuse actually got slightly brighter, while in the last five months the star dimmed dramatically. Such variability is likely just normal behavior for this famously variable supergiant, but the recent dimming has rekindled discussion on how long it may be before Betelgeuse does go supernova. Since Betelgeuse is about 700 light years away, its eventual supernova — probably thousands of years in the future — will likely be an amazing night-sky spectacle, but will not endanger life on Earth.

ESO, M. Montargès et al.


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  1. 2023年7月18日

    […] 说明: 夜空发生了什么事?为找出答案提供助力,全球各地的望远镜纷纷指向深空。所进行的探索包括试图了解早期宇宙、寻找和追踪会威胁地球的小行星、寻找可能拥有外星生命的行星,及监测恒星以期能更探入的了解太阳。例如这幅摄于今年4月的主题影像,就记录了在西班牙加那利群岛帕尔马岛山顶所见的前景与背景事物。如影像所示,在幽暗的夜空前方,纵目可见数座隶属于穆查丘斯罗克天文台的望远镜。在影像前景的望远镜从左到右分别有:Magic 1、Galileo(伽利略)、Magic 2、Gran Canarian(加那利)、及LST。背景天空中较吸睛的景观,则有银河系的中央盘面、人马座、蛇夫座和天蝎座、散发红光的鹰状星云和泻湖星云、及亮星天渊三(Alrami;人马座α星)和心宿二。由于有了如影像所示的这类天文台,人类在过去100年之中,对夜空的了解胜过人类历史上的任何时期。 […]

