


Mars and the Pleiades Beyond Vinegar Hill
Image Credit & Copyright:
Kristine Richer

Explanation: Is this just a lonely tree on an empty hill? To start, perhaps, but look beyond. There, a busy universe may wait to be discovered. First, physically, to the left of the tree, is the planet Mars. The red planet, which is the new home to NASA’s Perseverance rover, remains visible this month at sunset above the western horizon. To the tree’s right is the Pleiades, a bright cluster of stars dominated by several bright blue stars. The featured picture is a composite of several separate foreground and background images taken within a few hours of each other, early last month, from the same location on Vinegar Hill in Milford, Nova Scotia, Canada. At that time, Mars was passing slowly, night after night, nearly in front of the distant Seven Sisters star cluster. The next time Mars will pass angularly as close to the Pleiades as it did in March will be in 2038.

Tomorrow’s picture: open space

Kristine Richer

说明: 在影像里,开阔的丘顶上只有一颗树吗?乍看确是如此。不过在它的后方,有整个宇宙等我们来探索。首先,在孤树的左侧有火星。这颗作为美国宇航局毅力号火星车新家的泛红行星,可在这个月日落后的西方天空见到它的身影。在树的右侧,则可见到拥有数颗醒目泛蓝恒星的明亮昴宿星团。这幅上个月初摄于加拿大新斯科细亚省米尔佛郡的醋山之主题影像,是由相隔数小时拍摄的多张照片组合而成。在拍照的那时,从前晚到下一晚火星缓缓移过星空,几乎通过昴宿星团的正前方。下次火星和昴宿星团的间距要如此小,得再等到2038年。(Vinegar Hill 醋山)

明日的图片: open space

