

Image Credit & Copyright:
Tom Masterson

Explanation: If you can see the stars of the Big Dipper, you can find comet NEOWISE in your evening sky tonight. After sunset look for the naked-eye comet below the bowl of the famous celestial kitchen utensil of the north and above your northwestern horizon. You’re looking for a fuzzy ‘star’ with a tail, though probably not so long a tail as in this clear sky snapshot taken from Los Padres National Forest in California on the evening of July 16. Recent photographs of C/2020 F3 (NEOWISE) often show this comet’s broad dust tail and fainter but separate ion tail extending farther than the eye can follow. Skygazers around the world have been delighted to find NEOWISE, surprise visitor from the outer Solar System.

Notable Images of Comet NEOWISE Submitted to APOD: || July 17 || July 16 || July 15 || July 14 || July 13 || July 12 || July 11 || July 10 & earlier ||

Tomorrow’s picture: our rotating moon

Tom Masterson

说明: 从你所在的地点,如果今晚你能见到夜空中的北斗七星,就能找到NEOWISE彗星。等日落后,在北天以形似厨房水杓而得名的北斗七星之斗杓下方,以及在西北地平线上方,就能找到这颗裸视彗星。标的是一颗曳着长尾的弥漫天体,当然你所看到的彗尾,在长度上或许逊于这幅7月16日晚,摄于加州.洛斯帕德里斯国家森林的清朗星空影像里之颀长彗尾。近来拍摄的NEOWISE彗星(C/2020 F3)影像,通常记录到这颗彗星有宽广的尘尾和一道完全分离的离子尾,而且二者绵延的长度皆超出人类肉眼所能见。广受地球各地观星者激赏的NEOWISE彗星,是个来自太阳外围的意外访客。

提交给APOD的NEOWISE彗星的著名图像:|| 7月17日 || 7月16日 || 7月15日 || 7月14日 || 7月13日 || 7月12日 || 7月11日 || 7月10日或更早 ||

明日的图片: our rotating moon

